4th NATURE pressed plants, glass, steel, 3'h x 20'w x 6'd 2018
Diagram for 4th NATURE
Disturbed post-industrial landscapes intrigue me. Circling a condemned building, I gathered and pressed 37 different plants growing in the cracks between pavement and wall. I compared my inventory to Increase Lapham's Herbarium which he collected on this spot in Milwaukee 170 years ago. Seventeen species have persisted from that time. The vast majority of these urban weeds are invasive species both native and non-native, a telling product of the tension between nature and human habitation. Virtually all have proven uses and most are edible which I am continuing to explore.
4th NATURE detail of Norway Maple, pressed plants, glass, steel, 3'h x 20'w x 6'd total 2018
4th NATURE detail of Queen Anne’s Lace, pressed plants, glass, steel, 3'h x 20'w x 6'd total 2018
Catnip specimen collected by Increase Lapham 1835-40 overlaid by sample collected by Jill Sebastian 2017
Nightshade specimen collected by Increase Lapham 1835-40 overlaid by sample collected by Jill Sebastian 2017