Project Assistants

I am grateful for the many talented young artists who have worked with me on various projects.
Here are some of them.

University of Wisconsin South Campus Union

Jake Fuller and Colin Dickson filming WISCONSIN PRAIRIE

Design Charette with students

Jerome Haslbeck, Karen Sandberg, Liane Sebastian, Colin Dickson

Bronze Pour at UW - Arnold Martin, Emily Belknap and Peter Flanary

Grad student Arnold Martin and Peter Flanary devesting bronze casting

Grad student Emily Belknap created MARTHA, shown in wax

Colin Dickson, Studio Manager, cutting mask for PRAIRIE PASSAGES

Design Charette - UW student with Caressa Givens

UW student Logan Woods trimming waxes

Chris Andrews,Vanguard Sculpture Works, installing PRAIRIE FIRE(place)

Peter Flanary designed and made doorplates for PRAIRIE PASSAGES

Martha, the last passenger pigeon installed bronze Emily Belknap

Vliet Street Commons

Breaking ground - Sandy Folaron and neighborhood committee with Jill Sebastian

Flux Design, fabricator , installing stainless furniture

Neighbors planting the Reading Garden

Volkswagon “bug” raffled off as a fundraiser for the park, VLIET STREET COMMONS

Adam Meuer, Jerome Shamowicz and Gustav Sculptor


Janine, Kern Sandberg and Michael Roberts, studio manager assembling tile work off site


Milwaukee Convention Center

Front: Bill Kaminski, Joe Holthaus, Dallas Kavenagh Back: Kate Alt, Andy Saiia installing literary works from fifty Wisconsin Writers

Front: Bill Kaminski, Joe Holthaus, Dallas Kavenagh Back: Kate Alt, Andy Saiia installing literary works from fifty Wisconsin Writers